How To Blend Markers 6 Ways Including Ziploc Hack!

5 easy ways how to blend markers that are water based. Each of these yield a different result, so try to explore them all and then decide which method works best for you.

How to Blend Markers 6 Ways

1. how to blend markers with blender pen

The Blender pen is often referred to as Colorless Blending pen, Colorless Blender, Blender Marker or simply as color number N 00. It has a white tip and when you write with it, it is actually colorless but the magic can be seen when you use it to blend colors.

You can write with the Blender Pen over two colors to blend them, or use it to pick up color off a palette and blend that way too!

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Smitha Katti Colorless Blender Pen

You can also touch the blender pen to any colored brush pen to pick up some of the color and create a lighter version.

tip to tip blending

2. how to blend markers Tip to Tip

Simply touch the two brush tips together and transfer the color. There are so many new hues you will create by doing so. I used two vibrant colors- Yellow and blue. When I letter with the yellow now you will have notes of green from the blue and yellow mixing.

how to blend tombow markers tip to tip

BUT here is a trick! The blue pen also gets a bit of yellow transferred onto it and when you letter using that you will have a nice teal shade of color instead of the blue. The color transfer works both ways!

You will not permanently damage your brush pens by doing so. To clean of the brush tips, scribble onto a scrap piece of paper till it writes in it’s original color again.

3. how to blend markers with water

how to blend tombow markers with water

I chose two contrasting colors of Brush pens- one lighter (yellow) and one darker (red). With the lighter color letter the entire word first. Then with the darker color, color just the bottom 1/5 of the letters.You just need a little of that darker color, don’t add too much. If you add too much, that color will dominate and color everything.

Blend everything with a paintbrush dipped in just water. First paint over the light color- yellow here- and then slowly moisten the darker color and let the water meet and blend. Try not to overwork it (or it will turn into a muddy color) and let the water do the blending.


Here is another example, the water soluble markers blend into each other with the paintbrush touch!

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Smitha Katti Fall Project3 1

4. Blending Markers with a water brush

I love my water brush, and you can learn How to Use a Water Brush for Watercolor. It is so convenient to use, you will be taking it everywhere with you!

Simply add your marker color onto paper and blend the colors slowly with the Water Brush. You have more control over the amount of water you add this way.

5. How To Blend Markers With a Blending Palette

Scribble your marker color onto a Blending palette, the ink from the marker will sit on top of the surface and you can use a paint brush or blender pen to mix the ink colors right on the blending palette to create new colors!

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6. how to blend markers with ziploc bags

If you do not have a blending palette, no worries! You can instead use any kind of slick surface for this- I am using a ziploc bag from my kitchen, wax paper, an acrylic stamp block or a ceramic dish will work too.

Scribble your darker color onto the ziploc bag and with a lighter color marker pick up color from the ziploc and letter. You will create a blended mix of colors.

how to blend tombow markers without blending palette

You can use the colorless blender pen N00 to pick color off from the ziploc too.




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how to blend markers Video:

I have a YouTube Video showing all these above mentioned methods of how to blend markers. You can watch by clicking here or in the video box below

Conclusion: How to blend Markers

In conclusion, there are many ways how to blend markers that you can choose from depending on the look you want to achieve. You can buy dedicated blending tools like a blender pen or blending palette or use what you have at home like a ziploc or a paint brush. There is no single right way to do it.

For a further comparison, check out my Comparing Blender Pen Vs Water Brush post.

smitha katti

Inspiring you with simple doable Art and Craft ideas and tutorials that will encourage you to use your supplies, get messy and find your creativity.

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