Quote journal cover: Make a special book to write quotes into

These days, you come across so many inspiring quotes on social media, read them for a second, and rarely think about them again. So I took a book, created a quote journal cover, and am excited to fill this up with positive words.

quotes book

Supplies you will need

Chalkboard paint, gel medium, various punches, patterned paper, burlap and a pair of (I love my pink one!) scissors

chalk book

How to make this quote journal cover

This book was made as a tutorial I wrote for Fiskars

But before I started embellishing my quote journal, I first covered my journal with some chalkboard paint. I love the dull, matte finish chalkboard paint gives.

chalk paint

It takes a couple of good coats, but once it’s done it feels amazing! The paint dries with a soft texture to it and it feels a bit coarse when you run your hands over it. It dries perfectly matte with no shine, shimmer or gloss and looks really fancy.

chalk painted book

Chalkboard paint is one of my new favorite #craftsupply. I have even found some in a Target One spot once!! There are so many uses for it and I’m obsessed.

chalk paint on journal cover
teresa punch
quote journal

And my quote journal cover is ready and oh so pretty! I love the layers of of the lace, trim and paper. It all came together perfectly.

write it down


  1. Very cute! I had one of these in high school and just recently found it. The journal itself is really ugly, though, so maybe I’ll make a new one for it 🙂

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