Knitting Cables For Beginners With Video

Hello friends! In today’s tutorial, you will learn a quintessential knitter skill- Knitting Cables For Beginners. This is an easy-to-master technique- if you know how to knit I’ll teach you the rest!


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What you will need:

  • Knitting Needles: The yarn I’m using called for a US size 11, 9mm needle. I’m using a Bamboo Knitting Needle from this set.
  • A Cable Needle: A cable needle is a great tool to have, if not you can use an U shaped hairpin easily too. It is the blue bendy thing I’m holding in the photo below.
  • Yarn : I’ve used Wool Ease Thick and Quick in Fisherman colorway here.

knitting cables for beginners youTube

Click on the video box below or head over to my YouTube Channel and enjoy this knitting cables for beginners video

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knitting cables for beginners:

Below we will make a small sample swatch and learn the cable stitch. While knitting cables, we are essentially making our stitches twist or overlap, and we do this by pulling a few stitches off our needle, placing them onto a place holder, knitting the next few stitches and then knitting the stitches from the place holder. By knitting the stiches out of order the cable overlap occurs and this is such a stunning stitch!

We do not need to do the twisting or cabling on every row. It occurs once in an every few rows.

Here is a simple C3F Cable Pattern: (More explanation on C3F below)

Cast on 12 stitches

Row 1 and 3: Knit

All Even Rows: K3, P6, K3

Row 5: Cable Row: K3, Slip next 3 stitches onto Cable Needle and place in front of work, K3, Slip the 3 stitches from Cable Needle back onto the left knitting needle, K6

knitting cables for beginners

Repeat these 6 Rows to grow your your cables!

Even though this is a 6-row repeat pattern, the magic happens on the 5th row- the cable row. The other rows are all simple repeats with just knits and purls. So even if you are a beginner, you should try this!

What is Cable Forward?

In the above tutorial, we slipped 3 stitches off the needles and onto our cable needle then placed these stitches in front of our work. This is CF= Cable Forward. To be more specific, this is C3F= Cable 3 stitches Forward.

What is Cable Backward?

In the same way, you can place the cable needle which holds the slipped stitches to the back of the work and continue. This will create a different kind of cable where the cable will appear to disappear behind the work and look beautiful. The CB = Cable Backward.

Make Your Own Cable!

You can vary the number of stitches to transfer onto the cable needle, make it 5, 8, or 10! By changing the number of stitches and how often you cable (every 6 rows or every 4 rows or more) will change the outcome of your knit fabric!

I hope you found today’s knitting cables for beginners tutorial useful friends! If you have any questions, drop a comment below, and let’s chat.

Once you figure out the cables, you will open up so many new options! You can use these cables to build so many other designs. Check out my Cable Knit Pillow Pattern next!

Smitha katti how to knit cable tutorial

In conclusion, Knit Cables add a wonderful texture and design element to any project and once you master how to knit cables you will start seeing them everywhere!


Thank you for being here today and spending some creative time with my friends! I’m so thankful for your kind words and support.

If you recreate this tutorial and share it on social media don’t forget to tag me! @smithakatti #smithakatti

For yarn projects, find me at @smittenbyyarn #smithaknits #smithacrochets

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