Sponge Painting for kids is a fun way ot spend an afternoon. We cut up a kitchen dish sponges and used it instead of a paintbrush and the kids had so much fun!
This is an easy painting idea for kids, and you can get creative to cut the sponge into fun shapes of your choice! Check out another easy idea How to Make Watercolor Bookmarks with Kids

How to make your own sponge stamps:
I always enjoy using my crafting supplies and tools to create something fun with my kids. I love the big smile they have when they get to say “I made that!”
To make sponge shapes to stamp with, I bought regular kitchen sponges. You can use a die cutting machine or hand cut shapes using a pair of scissors.
I cut various shapes and sizes, the smaller ones are perfect for young toddlers to hold and stamp with.

Using the Easy Grip Scissors I also cut some of the waste bits into small triangles and squares. These are great to stamp and create a background.
ALSO READ: Rock Painting with Kids

Sponge painting for kids:
The kids used Tempura paint bottles and I let them have fun. Then can use their fingers to dab the color onto the Sponge. Our previous Homemade Finger Paints for Toddlers was a super hit!
Make sure you cover your table before handing the paints to the kids 😉

We used these artworks in this Fathers Day Craft ideas for Preschoolers post too!