Blogging Equipment: Tripod, Lighting for Blogging, and Cameras

A frequent question I get on social media is “What do you use to shoot your videos?”.

So today I’m sharing all the blogging equipment I own and hopefully, you will find something in this post that will help you.

blogging equipment for mom

I’ve been a blogger for years and have also been creating content for companies like Fiskars and Tombow and for me my photos and video quality is of utmost importance. I like my content to be bright, with minimal shadows and have true colors captured. The lighting for blogging I use have all been tested for this and work for me.

But I’m also a mom who works from home around her kid’s schedule in a state where the sun sets at 4 pm in winter. So I have to work creatively.

Somedays I shoot in my kitchen, somedays in my basement, somedays by a window and somedays under studio lights. So my photography needs vary from day to day.

So in today’s post, I’ll share the three most important pieces of blogging equipment you need to begin: An overhead tripod, lighting for blogging options, and a camera.

I started blogging almost 9 years ago and over the years I have slowly built my blogging equipment to what it is today. You don’t need all of these, start small and build as you go.

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If you plan to shoot top view videos, the first thing you’ll need is a good tripod.

You can start by filming videos on your phone with sunlight coming from a large window. But you will need a good quality tripod to begin.

A great everything beginner tripod is this Vangaurd Alta Pro

A game-changer for me though has been this Manfrotto tripod. I’ve had this now for over 5 years, and it has definitely paid its worth. Highly recommend it.

It comes with an Q90 column (an arm that extends parallel to the ground) that is perfect for shooting videos or photos.

Pros, this tripod has quick power locks for the legs, easy to set up and break down, it’s light and easy to travel with.

Cons, it’s pricey. You’ll have to look at it as an investment.

NOTE: I would also recommend that you get a good tripod head– I have this older model that swivels and goes in all different angles. Pans complete 360 degrees. Bonus, it comes with the camera plate needed. It holds my heaviest camera and I don’t have to worry.

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YOU MIGHT ALSO WANT: to buy this tripod phone adapter (it’s under 10 bucks and will make it super easy to use your phone with this tripod)

lighting for blogging:

Before we talk about cameras, let’s address lighting for blogging. My basement is often my studio because I live in snowy Minnesota where the sun sets around 4pm in winter. So studio lights save my day! I have few different options that I use, and you can see which one might fit your lifestyle better to start with.

Lighting can make or kill a video, so this is a big deal. You don’t want dark shadows in your videos and you want an even white illumination

1. A Ring light

ring light for blogger

You will need an 18inch size one to light up your sketchbook nicely. I have this light but have heard great reviews of this newer one. Great quality, works beautifully with a big camera or phone.

2. A pair of Large studio box lights:

CONS, these are bulky, not easily portable, and take time to set up. PROS, these never fail and can light up larger areas beautifully. I can film into the night with no worries. Here I have two lights and a big reflector to brighten everything in my basement.

blogging equipment

blogging equipment amazon light box

I have this AmazonBasics Portable Photo Studio

Pros, this lightbox is portable, bright, and easy to store and use. I use it mostly for Instagram time-lapses. Cons, it does heat up a lot and generates a lot of heat when used for a prolonged time.

I had gotten tired of lugging my studio lights up and down the stairs. Now they permanently stay in the basement.

4. Natural Sunlight

My favorite lighting for blogging is good old sunlight! The biggest CON, you work when the sun shines. If it is a cloudy day, the sun might hide behind the clouds and there goes your light!

Try using a reflector to remove harsh shadows at high noon. Don’t have a reflector? I often shut the curtains (we have white translucent curtains in our living area) when the afternoon light is too bright to film.

blogging equipment lighting

You can pick up white poster boards from your local Target or Staples. They make great backdrops, reflectors and inexpensive to replace. These colored poster boards (especially the pink) are a cute option too

A quick fix lighting for blogging is a tiny Ring light that clips onto your phone.

I would advice that you focus on your lighting for blogging options first and foremost before you invest in a camera.


Really, all you need is just an Apple iPhone.

A great beginner option for a camera is the Canon T8i series. Way back when, even before I began blogging, my first camera was an older version of this, the T2i. We did all of our baby’s infant photography with this camera. It is a great affordable camera that will allow you to learn everything you need about a DSLR.

Currently I use the Canon 5D Mark ii, this was my biggest buy and I still use it in 2024!

blogging equipment canon

A great way to learn about lenses is to go to your local camera shop and rent a fancy lens for a weekend. Explore and take photos with it and compare a few lenses before you commit to one

Even if you don’t buy an expensive camera, always try to invest in a great lens. The Canon 50mm 1.4 EF lens is my favorite lens is the only fancy lens I own. This lens is also great for portraits, bokeh effects and great for a selfie into video for your YouTube Videos.

Using your phone ONLY

For my Instagram videos, I mainly use my iPhone. Two great options are Gorilla pods (awesome for traveling, versatile, and flexible) or a Gooseneck (great for overhead shots, and perfect for tabletops or to clip to a chair)

These phone tripods are inexpensive and only last about 6 to 9 months.

My favorite video apps on my iPhone are Hyperlapse, A Color Story, Chromic, and Quik.

blogging equipment phone

I periodically update this post with my most recent blogging equipment purchases but you can track all of my latest finds here.

Smitha Katti creativespace e1577349763159

Hi I’m Smitha! I live in Minnesota with my husband and two daughters. You’ll always find me painting florals in my sketchbook. And I love the sheer joy of making something with just my hands! But my bigger love is capturing it all on camera Read more.

Thanks for stopping by today! If you learnt something from this tutorial, do share this post with a friend or on social media! Tag me @smithakatti #smithakatti I’d love to see what you create!



  1. Love this practical post! Been using my phone camera forever but really needed these pro tips for better content. Your lighting recommendations are exactly what I’ve been looking for – those pesky shadows in my photos drive me crazy! Appreciate you sharing your actual tested equipment instead of just theoretical suggestions. Bookmarking this for my next equipment upgrade. 📸✨

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