Rainbow Lettering Word: 10 Easy Colorful Ideas!

Hello friends! I’m sharing a MEGA blog post today, filled to the brim with ideas, videos, and tutorials for Rainbow Lettering. I hope you leave ROYGBIV inspired!

You can’t go wrong when you go in Rainbow color order. When in doubt, my default choice is always rainbow art. Your sketch will turn out colorful, happy and brighten your day for sure! Before you try Rainbow Lettering word, make sure you start at the beginning and learn Brush Lettering and Watercolor Lettering as these are two techniques I will use in this tutorial.

ALSO READ: Rainbow Quotes to inspire + a Free Printable Wall Art

Rainbow new

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On my YouTube Channel, I have an easy video that shows you how to blend your Rainbow Lettering with water. Enjoy the video by clicking the video box below or head here to watch on YouTube.

Rainbow Lettering Tutorial:

Blending with water on your sketchbook page itself works best with Mixed Media or Watercolor papers.

What you will need:

Strathmore mixed media sketchbook 500 series


Lettering Word: Rainbow Using using Brush Pens:

Lettering Word Tip: Quickly count how many alphabets your word has and choose that many colors of markers to create a colorful rainbow!

Step by step tutorial of Rainbow Lettering word

Total Time: 10 minutes

Start your lettering with a Red marker

With the brush tip of your Red-colored marker letter the alphabet R

Letter the entire word

Changing the color for each alphabet letter your word.

Blend the colors with water

Using the paintbrush , squeeze a drop of water onto one letter at a time.
Slowly, use the water to blend the point where two colors meet. Go over the area with 2 or 3 brush strokes and stop. Don’t over blend.

Continue blending the rest of the alphabets

Let the water do the work for you and just softly blend the alphabets. Rainbow hand lettering tutorial

This is my favorite way of lettering- write the alphabets onto a mixed media paper first and then paint over each word with water to soften the colors and blend them slightly. ⁣

This creates a watercolor blended look that is so satisfying to paint!

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More Rainbow Lettering ideas!

Try creating your rainbow with just 3 marker colors!

You don’t need all the marker colors in the world.

Choose a Red, yellow and blue and you have all the colors you need! Blend the colors to get a beautiful easy rainbow!

lettering word

Try making your entire Quote a Rainbow!

Pull out your markers, and find a cozy spot- this might take a while. Just like in the tutorial, count your words and divide your colors. Blend with the water brush to create a soft colorful look.

Use your Watercolors!

Video Timelapse: Just go for it | READ

You don’t always need to use your brush pens. Try Watercolor lettering! The water actually helps blend the colors even more!

Remember to use your Small Pens too!

Video Tutorial: Lettering with Tombow Fudenosuke Colors!

The Fudenosuke Pens are great to use while lettering a quote. I like using a different color for each line of the quote

Even colored pencils work!

Video Timelapse: Hustle Harder | Spread your wings and fly

The colored pencils are so easy to layer!! You can lightly overlap colors to create a seamless rainbow look.

You don’t have to always blend the colors!

Video Tutorial: Colorful Brush Pen Lettering, Love Quotes and phrases

If you need a quick rainbow quote, skip the water brush and blending- just letter each word in a different color but go in rainbow order. If needed add a thin black outline to your words to make them pop!

Add just one Rainbow word in your quote

Video Tutorial: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAySPrhnZLi/

This is my GO TO style!! I use it all the time to highlight just one or two lettering words in my quote. This goes quicker than lettering the entire quote in rainbow order- but still has that charm.

Rainbow Lettering is very easy and forgiving, the colors blend into each other and create dramatic effects

Smitha Katti creativespace e1577349763159

Hi I’m Smitha! I live in Minnesota with my husband and two daughters. You’ll always find me painting florals in my sketchbook. And I love the sheer joy of making something with just my hands! But my bigger love is capturing it all on camera Read more.

Thanks for stopping by today! If you learnt something from this tutorial, do share this post with a friend or on social media! Tag me @smithakatti #smithakatti I’d love to see what you create!



  1. Hello, thanks for the great website!

    A typo: You have used ‘alphabets’ for ‘letters’. ‘Alphabet’ is the whole set of letters in the script, of course!

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